I've been wanted to create my own blog, but I didn't have the confidence to start it. I've red a lot of blogs from my friends and others who I do not know, but still they couldn't influence me to start my own. Not because they don't do blogs nicely, but it's still because of the lacking of confidence. I thought posting entries 'bout how your life was in a particular day was a courageous deed, since you're posting it publicly.
Until I red Miss Julia Campbell's blog. She inspired me to start my own. Miss Julia was a Journalist/U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer to the Philippines that was killed here. Everybody said she was a great person. I got interested, so I searched for her blog. In her blog, there are a lot of nice stuff that happened to her. I loved the way how she stated those.
Miss Julia's death affects me. I've followed the investigation of the case through news on TV, prints and on the radio. I even sacrificed my fave FM station just to listen to AM stations and be updated on the case. All-day long during those days, I locked myself in my room to stay tuned in to AM stations. I even missed out watching my fave TV shows. I also wanted to join the investigation team, but that was impossible. I find it so strange, cuz I don't know her personally, I didn't even know that there was a such name Julia Campbell existing. Ofcourse, I prayed justice for her.
Miss Julia was first reported missing. 10 days later, a dead body was found, in decomposing stage, and was suspected to be hers. Examinations has been made and the result matched. The found dead body was Miss Julia's. Report said she was brutally killed. Her body was found in a shallow grave near a trail in Mt. Banaue Rice Terraces. Mt. Banaue is named as the Eighth Wonder Of the World. She went there to hike by herself alone.
It took several weeks for the killer to come out. He surrendered himself to the authorities and admitted the crime. He is now convicted to MURDER! Thank God. My prayers paid off.
In her blog, there are a lot of good memories she mentioned. All 'bout her stay here, her thoughts 'bout Filipinos and its culture and many more nice stuff. According to the people she was with, Miss Julia was a great and a lovely person. She helped a lot of people here, she did everything selflessly. They said Miss Julia is a big lost to them.
As I was reading her blog, I felt the warmth of her personality and how great person she was. She inspired me, so I'm dedicating my very first entry to her. I can't believe I have my own blog now. A big thanks to her. She didn't know how she touched lives, not only mine, but all those she was with. I wish she could read this :(
If I could exchange my life for someone who passed away, that would be Miss Julia Campbell. She deserves to live longer. She died at 40, and should have not died at a young age as that :(
It's exactly one month now since she passed away, hope she's happy wherever she is right now.
"It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right. Hope you had the time of your life".I wanna thank as well, my dear bestfriend, Aaron Yap. Thank you for assisting me and welcoming me to the world of blog. Nope, it doesn't mean your blog didn't influence me, I just needed the confidence to start it and I found it on Julia.
Thank you for reading.
Huggies, Rhea.