Hey there:) Hope you guys are doing fine as I post this entry. Don't know what's up with you all, haven't red your Blogs yet. I've been in silence in 4 months, I know. Well, I spent those in my 500-hour hotel training, which is the last stage of my college life. Yup, I've mentioned before that I was not gonna be busy this semester, that's what I thought, and I was wrong.
In my hotel training, there were days that I had to be on duty for more than 10 hours. My longest is 14 straight hours! So, I really didn't have time to do my online habits. I would come home so tired, that I could even miss my meals. I would prefer to just go to sleep as I arrived home. I was 2 months tired. As a hotel intern, I was a chambermaid. Yeah, the one who cleans rooms, sets bed, and cleans bathroom. Does it sound not good to you? Well, to me, not. I enjoyed it. I loved my then job. My favourite part was the garbage collecting. Nope, not just the garbage from every hotel room, but the overall hotel waste. I really loved that task. You might think that my superiors were just taking advantages of me, but, no. Infact, they weren't allowing me to do the task, but I pleaded them. I'm sure most of you would get disgust to collect and throw garbage, especially if you do not know what are in the garbage. There could have used baby diapers, spoiled food, blood, anything. But, it was a pleasure to me to do it. I know. I'm weird. Oops, takenote, in the hotel history, I am the only female who tried the luck in collecting and throwing garbage. Hehe, title holder :) My tasks was not just being a chambermaid and a garbage collector, I was also assigned at the linen area. My task there were data encoding and stock inventorying. Which is I think, for you, is much better than garbage collecting. But, *lol* I'm really weird, I hate the said job! I couldn't be able to stay longer, so after few weeks, I went back to cleaning-the-bathroom and garbage-collecting tasks. I've just ended the training on February 12th, I started on the 10th of December. However, after the training, I still had to be busy doing my paperworks for my hotel internship.
Now, let's proceed to the 'cool news'. *ehem* (I think you got a clue in my introduction.)
I don't know, but I think not all my coolest online friends know about my school life. Well, I've been in college for 6 years now. *Blushes* I've been trying hard, but school really hates me. Or, maybe, yeah, I didn't try hard and I just didn't like schooling. My course, Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management is supposed to be taken for only 4 years, but it reached up to the 6th. This would be the best time for me to tell you this, it is embarrasing, but I think you, guys, wouldn't mind. In my college life, it's not just once or twice that I got an 'F' grade, and those were the reasons for me to extend my term in my school. I've been a huge headache to Mum, as well. But, *ehem* thank God, my school sufferings would come to an end. Yup, I'm graduating!:)
Wayback school year 2005-2006, I decided to stop schooling, and just stayed at home. Nope, working was way too far in my mind then. Just wanted to be at home. As SY 2006 approaches, Mum talked to me and asked me if I would still want to go back to college and try to graduate. I thought of that in few weeks. Until I decided to, yeah, go back to school and finish college. I learned the importance of education. By then, my batchmates from my Freshmen year all graduated. And, left were the new batches whom I didn't know and didn't think they're cool as my batchmates. In my first year of my school-for-the-second-time, I met new classmates. All nice and cool, but I still didn't feel the warmth as with my old batchmates. No, no, no, it's not that. I think my new classmates could be cool as my old ones, too, I just didn't have the chance to be with them closely. Up to my second year, still the same. I miss my former classmates, but I need to finish my school even without them. I still have their supports, though.
And, finally, tomorrow, I will finish my college life. Yup, tomorrow would be the big day. Can't explain what I'm feeling right now. Part of me is happy, while the other is sad. Happy, because, finally, yeah, school sufferrings has ended. Maybe, sad, because I can no longer avail student's discount, also daily school allowance from Mum. I don't know. Oooh, I didn't notice the time. It's late. I gotta for now. Haven't pressed my gown yet >_<>_<>
Ooops, want to tell you, guys, and to the whole WILD world that I am dedicating my special day tomorrow to my lovely Mum. She's been sufferings a lot for my school, and it finally comes to an end. I wanna thank her. (Couldn't thank her in person) Thanks, Ma, for everything. This would have been impossible without you. (Jeez, I wish I could tell that to her face to face :( )
I've never been
The one to raise my hand
That was not me
And now that's who I am
Because of you
I am standing tall
My heart is full
Of endless gratitude
You were the one
The one to guide me through
Now I can see
And I believe
It's only just beginning
This is what we dream about
But the only question with me now
Is do I make you proud
Stronger than I've ever been now
Never been afraid of standing out
Do I make you proud
I guess I've learned
To question is to grow,
That you still have faith,
Is all I need to know,
I've learned to love,
My selfish part of me,
And I've learned to
Walk on the road I believe
Everybody needs to rise up
Everybody needs to be loved.