My Blog has been running for a year now. I can't believe it, but at first, I didn't have the courage to start my own Blog, but now, it's been standing for a year. Yeah, most of my entries, if not all, were senseless, not to mention about how I wrote them. I write lamely. But then, I could say I loved them.
Few months ago, the thought of deleting this Blog came into my mind. Since I couldn't update it anymore due to laziness, sometimes due to busy-ness, why not delete it. But then, part of my was like, "you can read your lame entries in future and laugh about it". I thought reading about the past is quite enjoyable, as I do with my old personal diaries. So, I decided to, yeah, just keep it. I got lost, but now, I'll try and get back in track again. I'll try to write lively, too. Goodluck to me :)
So, what's up with me? As you guys are aware, yeah, I'm done with schooling. Everybody would think that I already have a cool job now, since it's been two months when I finished college. And, with the fact that I hadn't updated my Blog, you guys might think that I was busy working. Well, sorry to disappoint you, but I still don't have any one yet. Just weeks after my graduation, I tried my luck, but I got rejected. It didn't give me much disappointment, since the position I applied for was 'not' in-line with what my college taught me. After being rejected, I thought of relaxing. Why not rest up a bit since I was in six rough school years. This 'bit of rest' wont take that long, though. Maybe in few weeks, I'll get back in trying my luck for a cool job position. Whether it's in my field or not. At the moment, I'm just keeping myself updated about the job openings. I wish they could wait until I am ready for having one, hehe :)
I think that would be all for now.
Hope my dearest linked friends are all doing fine, especially Desiree, who just turned 24 on Monday. Hope you had a great day on your special day, sis :)
And, oh, before I forgot, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my dearest linked friends who checked my entries for a year, inspite its lamenessly :)
And, to the root of all these, the late Julia Campbell, who just has her first death anniversarry last month :( Anyway, about the case, final ruling has not red yet, until June 30th this year. I remember, several months after the suspect claimed the slay, he filed a not-guilty plea, and that just hated me. But then, according to the news, the prosecution has the bigger has of obtaining justice, which is a good news :) Anyway, hope she's happy wherever she is right now. I wish to meet her lovely mum on the final ruling :(
Takecare you guys.
I'll try and getback in track again :)
Big hugs :)
Big hugs :)
P.S.: Below is my official college yearbook photo.

I don't look good, but as they say, it's not the look that counts, it's the title :)
Welcome back for the online world. We checked your blog all the time, even when it didn't have anything new. You need to write more to reward your readers. At least you -have- readers.
That's a very nice photo, sis. I love it. So pretty;)
Don't worry, I always check your blog. It's not how often you write, it's what you write. And I like reading what you write.
Note to Mike: You do have other readers besides Ira.
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