Friday, December 4, 2009
Doggie continued to get pregnant, and same goes with the first one, 1 to 2 were left and the rest were given away. Doggie later died. Natural death. She was old enough, they said. Like Doggie, Laila gave birth many times. 7 to 9 puppies per batch. I witnessed how caring Laila was to her puppies, which she acquired from Doggie. Even when Laila's puppies grew up already, she would still clean them, licks their ears, finds lice for them, and all. It was a sweet moment to see Laila doing those stuff.
Gump and Panget were included in Laila's second-to-the-last batch of puppies. Gump was named after Forest Gump, and Panget is the Tagalog term of "ugly". Both were males. Osme was one of the last batch of puppies Laila had. Osme is short for Osmenia. A former Senator here. Laila, Gump, Panget and Osme were our dogs when we moved in to another place.
- - - M I S S I N G L A I L A - - -
It is Mum who named Laila. I don't why and where she got it, though. Laila was brown too, like Doggie. For me, Laila was the sweetest dog my family has ever owned. She was not the aggressive type, but barked wildly. Laila was friendly, anti-burglar type. She would let people get inside our house, but makes sure they wouldn't get or hold anything while in the house or going out. It was okay to her to let people walk around the house, as long as they wouldn't hold or even touch anything, or else, she would bark crazily, or worst would bite them. Laila was generous, too. Gump was the greedy type. The four of them were being fed fairly. What Gump would do was eat fast, then transfer to Laila then to another then to another. Laila wouldn't mind Gump doing that. She'd just let him do it, and would just sit afar. Unlike other dogs, they would fight back.
Laila was thoughtful. In our then community, tricycle (a three-wheeled motorcycle)rarely passes around. We need to get to the village's main road to get one. It is the mode of transportation inside the village. From our house, we need to have a five-minute walk to the main road, with a few turns. Whenever I go to school back then, as early as 5 in the morning, Mum, together with Laila, they would walk me up to the main road. The moment of seeing them walk back home as my tricycle goes on was a touching one. Sometimes whenever I would go somewhere alone, Laila and the other dogs would walk me the main road. Most often they would wait with me for the tricycle, they would sit as I sit at the waiting shed, until I get a ride. Then when they made sure that the tricycle moves away, the lovely dogs would walk back home. I swear, tears stream as I write this. Man, I miss them! They were like Mums walking their kids up to the bus station.
- - - T H E D O G S' R U T H L E S S F A T E - - -
In our then village, mosquitoes were everywhere, and were even bigger than the usual, and would bite more stinging and itchy. The dogs sleep at the garage, and are more prone to the stinging insects. A several months later, a year maybe, the scratches resulted into wounds. Laila and Panget acquired more wounds than Gump and Osme. After months of noticing the two poor dogs condition, my good parents decided to abandon them, one at a time. Panget was first. It didn't hurt that much when my parents explained why they have to desert the 'ugly' dog. Maybe because it was well-explained, plus his condition was really worst, also he was then being rude to his Mum, Laila, and we couldn't control him anymore.
When Panget was gone, I then started missing him. I wouldn't know what to do if they'd do the same to Laila. So, I started giving more attention to her. This is despite my busyness on school stuff. I washed Laila every week, I tried to clean her wounds. But after a few months of doing so, I hated it, but it didn't pay off. My parents dumped her :'( They failed at first. Using my family's tricycle, my father drove it down to a far place from our village. Mum was inside the three-wheeled vehicle with Laila. They did the thing early in the morning while me and my dear brother were still sleeping. They abandoned Laila to that far place outside our village. Just when they thought they have succeeded, they were surprised to see Laila home wagging her tail, welcoming them back. When they confided to us (me and my dear bro) that they failed to forsake Laila, my heart was celebrating. But then I was distressed. I kept on hugging and patting Laila and telling her how great she is that she escaped her fate. Since that night, I let her slept in my room, always locked her in. But after a few weeks, my parents did the thing again, and this time they were success :@ At first I didn't know that Laila was gone, until my parents came home, and asked where Laila was. I was, like, "no way"! I immediately checked her in my room, in my brother's room, in my parents' room and its bathroom, in our general bathroom, I went around the community calling her name, but no one came out. "Shit, they did it!". I then locked myself in my room, crying, hoping Laila to come home like she did the first time around. That day, Mum cooked the family's favourite Sunday lunch dish, to make up maybe, but it didn't work out to me. I didn't talk to them for a week, they were explaining things to me, but I couldn't understand anything. I hated them! I kept on waiting for Laila to come home for a month, but she wouldn't :'(
I was not recovered yet with my first heart break, when after a month of Laila's lost, it was Gump's turn. Gump was given to somebody from our old community with me and Mum unaware. Gump was slaughtered, my brother reported. Mum couldn't accept the fact, and neither did I. The deal was just Panget and Laila to dump, but my sucky father broke it! My parents then fight, and I got in the way once in a while. I was raging. I hated him!
It sucks that Gump was brutally killed when he escaped his death twice. In our old community, he was ran over by an SUV. I didn't witness it, but they said he rolled his body under the moving vehicle. The second was with a closed van. This time, I witnessed everything! He was crossing the road, when this van passed, with normal speed. People were telling the driver that there was a dog under, he then slowed down. Gump then started groaning. I almost cried, I didn't want to see him full of blood, but that's how I thought I'd see him, with intestines out. Thank God I was wrong. After the van ran over him, he immediately ran to our house without wounds, no broken bones! He escaped his death for the second time. Everyone was surprised and impressed!
It hurts that whenever I go to the main road for the tricycle, it was just Osme alone walking with me. The used-to-be four dogs, now only one.
It didn't take too long when we moved in to a new house once again. We brought Osme in. In our first old house, my family used to own up to 11 dogs, now it's just one left. I'm not used to have only one dog around, when I grew up with dogs everywhere. But then, I couldn't do anything. Our new house is smaller than the first two, plus houses were clustered. And, so, they wouldn't allow too many dogs.
It sucks that in this community, we have a neighbor that is hungry, very much hungry for dog meat. He is actually a dog meat lover! OMG! He raises dogs just to slaughter them and eat them. How nice! When he saw Osme around, he asked for him. Of course, as new to the neighborhood, my friendly father gave Osme to the pioneer, the dog meat eater!
I can remember how I hated my parents back then. How they made their decision of sending the dogs away to dispatch was so unfair! The dogs, especially Laila, showed loyalty to them, to us, but despite that they dumped them! I wanted to sue them for animal cruelty, but I couldn't. I didn't know how and who to speak with to sue them. Until now as I remember the poor dogs, I remember the hatred that I've been holding in. I'm praying that my lovely parents are forgiven by the wonderful dogs. I'm praying too, that if ever the re-incarnation of dogs' souls exists, man, it'd be a pleasure to meet them in their second life.
(Photos soon)
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Happy Birthday, Thel!
Thel turns 57 today.
Also my dear bro, who turns 24.
Mum had a twin bro, but she lost him seven years ago.
Mum has an aunt who also was born on the 8th day of October.
Well, just wanna send a Happy Birthday greeting to the four of them :) *cheers*
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Something To Be Thankful For

Just like a typical typhoon day, the coldness of the night made me extend my sleep up to past 1 in the afternoon last September 26. My sleep would have been longer if the noisy sounds of the heavy rain pouring on roofs didn't occur. I was having my late lunch when the power died due to the heavy rain with a little wind. After three hours of not having anything, TV, radio, my fone was dead, and mosquitoes were everywhere, I started complaining. "It was just a heavy rain, and they cut the electricity?!"
We didn't hear any news since then up to the next 27 hours. When the power went back, it was only then when my family learned how devastating the typhoon was. It's not that we didn't feel the typhoon, it's just we thought it was just a typical one since we didn't have any flood around my community.
Upon turning the TV on as the power went back, news about the typhoon was everywhere. Every local channel was having their special 'typhoon' coverage, which seldom happens.
Almost half the country, including the city where I live, were affected by the flood. Many establishments and houses were submerged in the six feet flood, some were even under the ten feet water. Many houses in exclusive villages were also struck by the rain water. Small houses that built nearby sea, river and creek were washed away by the strong flash flood.

As soon as the power went back that day, I immediately recharged my fone, and messages from friends started coming in, asking if I was affected by the devastating flood, and stuff. I then started calling our relatives that live in the affected areas, but we couldn't reach anyone. Mum started to worry, so on Monday, as the thoroughfares went passable, we went to one of her nieces to check-up. On our way there, we saw an area under a bridge that used to have number of houses, but now, nothing left. Affected cars were on the side street, a lot residents were full of mud on their skin that made me think, "you're not cool if you don't have mud on". Some were asking for money, food, clothes to the motorists. I pity them. I felt so helpless inside the cab. Luckily, it was just gooey mud that we saw as we arrived in the area. My cousin's house was doing better as Mum and I came in, it was after suffering from a waist-deep flood. They were just cleaning up the mess when we came. Mud was sticking everywhere, on every stuff of my lovely cousin, velvety couches, cabinets, drawers, furnitures, even the crisper of her fridge was full of nice-colored mud. It seemed there was mocha that spilled all all over the refrigerator.
The first time, and hopefully the last, flood I experience was when I was a little kid. Can't recall when, maybe I was 6 or 7. It was not that alarming. The flood that came in our house was just an ankle-deep, or not even. By then, as a kid, I hated the task of wading the water out. It sucks, I thought. But with what just happened to most of my countrymen, they wouldn't complain or lose hope, but instead be thankful that they are still alive. It was just flood that would subside, and their cars and other valuable stuff, they could earn and have another of them, they said.
There was just a little percentage of the areas in Metro Manila that were not affected, and luckily, it includes the community I live in. It was just then when I realized how fortunate my family is. It was the whole day blackout that I was complaining about when most were in danger. I was pissed out that I would miss my favourite TV show, when many lost their homes, some lost their lives. I guess that's something to be thankful for. Thanks to the Big Guy that my family was not affected by the flood, and so my other relatives, also some of my friends.
P.S. I wanna send a salute to the volunteers that considered as the modern heroes, who helped the typhoon victims. Also those who donated cash and goods. Hats off :)
Photos grabbed at:
When you get caught in the rain with no where to run
When you're distraught and in pain without anyone
When you keep cryin out to be saved but nobody comes
And you feel so far away that you just can't find your way home
You can get there alone
It's ok, won't you say
I can make it through the rain
I can stand up once again on my own and I know that I'm strong enough
to mend
And every time I feel afraid
I hold tighter to my faith and I live one more day and I make it
through the rain
And if you keep falling down, don't you dare give in
You will arise safe and sound, so keep pressing on steadfastly and
you'll find what you need to prevail
What you say
And when the wind blows
And shadows grow close
Don't be afraid
There's nothing you can't face
And should they tell you, you'll never pull through
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Training + Pleasure

Since I've mentioned about it, why not share my experience in that island and the whole trip. I'm talking about the on-board training that I recently had.
The training would be one of the coolest things I liked the most in my summer training, not just because I slightly overcome my fears, but also because of the whole experience itself.
I couldn't calm myself down as the big date was approaching. Two things. As I’ve mentioned before; excitement and nervousness. Excitement because, it would be my first-time of everything; First-time to take a vessel trip, and my first-time to be in Coron, our island destination. And, having a “first-time thing” is always exciting. Then there’s this ‘nervousness’. It is simply because, as I told you, I fear sea and ships! I fear everything found on a ship, or at least the most important part of it; anchor, propeller, huge ropes, enormous chains, derricks, smoke cylinder (or whatever they call it) the sound of its engine, and the alarming sound of its horn! “Can I make it?”, the big question to myself. By the way, my objectives? To gain knowledge and to have an unforgettable memory on that island. And, also to conquer my FEAR! Then the 22nd of May came.
As my group arrived at the port, I was not surprised with how my heart reacted. I wanted to go home! The ship is called M/V Our Lady of Good Voyage. After, about, 30 minutes at the waiting area, the group was finally called to go onboard. Oh my GOD! My knees were trembling crazily as I made my first step on the gangplank! I wanted to back out, but that was impossible. “I have my objectives!”, I reminded myself.
Surprisingly, the shaking vanished when I got inside the ship. It was cozy inside. The smiles of the crew were relaxing as they welcomed us. I felt more relaxed when my group went to our assigned bunks. By the way, we were accommodated at the Tourist Class, perfect for backpackers. Several minutes later, the group was called for the final briefings, assignments of duties, and a vessel tour. The group was divided into three. In our first duties, two groups were assigned at the Food and Beverage department. The ship has two dining areas; Horizon, a first-class dining restaurant, and Island Fiesta, a 24-hour cafeteria for Economy and Tourist passengers. The other group, where I belong to, was assigned at the MegaValue Class, an Economy Class that is fully air-conditioned.
The ship was not moving yet when we started our first duties. About the first duty, I had no problem with it, except that I wanted more assignments! I wanted to clean the bathroom, scrub the toilet, throw the garbage to the disposing area, and all dirty stuff, but my superior didn't allow me, or any of my group mates. My primary duty was to maintain the cleanliness with the MegaValue area, but, there were times that I reached the SuperValue's (an open-air Economy Class) hallway, maintaining its cleanliness :) That's how excited I was. And, that's how industrious Mandaluyong Manpower Development Center students are ;) Sometimes, I assisted guests covering their bunks. In the middle of my duty, while enjoying my assigned job, I noticed that the ship was finally sailing. I noticed it, but I didn't feel it. “Maybe it's a good sign that I could overcome my fear”, I thought. The next assignment was to do a survey to the guests. Interview some, ask them how they feel about the service, any thoughts or comments, and all, and, then write them on a paper. It was a nice assignment since we were able to get to hear guests' views. (Too bad I can't provide you photos while we were on duty.)

Early morning the next day, as we woke up, we were already somewhere in Coron. We then immediately went to the bridge to witness the sunset and of course, the wonderful sights.

We arrived at the Coron Pier at around 7AM. From there we were transferred to the island where we were gonna stay, Dive Link Resort, a 10-minute boat ride from the port. A hearty breakfast awaited us as we reached the resort. I wasn't surprised with how the people at the resort took care of us. It was heart-warming as the beauty of Coron. Not to mention the people we get encountered with around the province. People there were so friendly. And, they speak Tagalog! :)
Coron Island is located in Northern Palawan in the Philippines. The entire island and associated offshore waters have been designated as Ancestral Domain. It offers a variety of sporting and leisure activites and is popular for snorkeling and diving. There are islands with white sandy beaches, fresh water and tropical vegetation and fantastic coral reefs for diving.
The class has two reasons of joining this trip. "Training" being the main, and "pleasure" seconds it. But, with all the wonderful beaches, sights, and all? "Pleasure ruled!
Our first stop was the Kayangan Lake. Named as the country's cleanest lake, and one of the cleanest in the South East Asia.

The lunch for the day was set-up at the CYC Island. A white-sand beach with clear water. Where coral reefs are visible in the shallow area! But, of course, we had to be careful with sea urchins. “The spikey black creatures are everywhere”, the tour guide warned us.
As the sun was about to set, the group was also set to go back to the resort. Dive Link Resort is where we were gonna stay for two days. The resort is facing the Coron Bay, which is a nice view to relax after a long day of island hopping. The rooms were awesome, too. It was air-conditioned, that can accommodate six people. Six single beds, with toilet and shower, separately.
If the first day was an awesome one already, what more on the second day? After a hearty breakfast at the resort, the group was out to trek Mt. Tapyas, a 700-step mountain. (I don't know much about its history, sorry. Not paying attention to the tour guide and Miss Mercy when they shared its history) People we passed by on our way to the mountain warned us. Everyone would tell us how exhausting the hike would be, and remind us to have a bottle of water with us. Seven-hundred steps? Sure! No problem! This is what we came for, in the first place. A one-of-a-kind adventure, and..body pain! I was so excited that I wanted to reach the top first, but we haven't reached the one-third of the mountain yet, when I, along with my group, started complaining. “Aren't we there yet”? It was a tiring that we stop for a rest every 10-15 steps we made. Atop, we saw what beautiful scenery Coron can offer. Like Kayangan Lake, it's worth the 700 steps! Whew! :)

After the weary activity, it was a nice time to sink ourselves into a lake named “Siete Pecados”. We were in the middle of the lake, far from beaches. The water was clear, and tiny fishes were everywhere.

Next stop was the highlight of the day' The Twin Lagoon. This is, according to Miss Mercy, a majestic, enchanting place around Uson Island. From a distance, we could already get a glimpse of the sharp-edged rock formations covered with lovely lime stones.When we finally reached the hotspot, everyone was in gape. The pristine place made everyone in serenity.
Twin Lagoon is, as the term imply, two. Two lagoons. The two lagoons are separated by a limestone mountain. Our boat was anchored on the first lagoon, and to get to the second one, we had to pass through a narrow passage. Luckily, when we were there, the tide was low, that a kayak can pass through. But, if it was a high-tide, oh my God, we would have to swim underneath just to pass through the limestone, that serves as the gate to the second lagoon, and I don't think I could do that >_<
The rocky mountains around the lakes are, I estimate, 300-500 feet, which is according to Miss Mercy, thrice of it is how deep the water is! It is “another world” underneath. Though, it frightened me when I look underneath. I fear sea, remember? I couldn't believe I was floating on a hundred-foot deep water!
The water in the second lagoon was as relaxing as the first one, but it's not salty as the other. The water was literally “cool”, and relaxing. Although we wanted to stay longer, we couldn't, since the tide could change any moment. Too bad cameras or any gadget were not allowed to bring inside the other lagoon. Nope, not by law, but for security reasons. They are certain to get wet!
Few hours before the sun sets, we went back to the resort. Several hours before our departure, we feasted on a buffet of seafood, meats, vegetables and fruits. The table set-up was special that night compared to the one when we arrived. After having the final feast and some picture-taking, it was our time to send our thank-you's to the people at the resort who welcomed us and accommodated us warmly.
Setting foot on Coron is one of the unforgettable things that happened to me. There is a lot more to explore in there, and hopefully, I could make it some other time.
The “pleasure” was over, and it was the “training”'s time to take place once again. F&B department was my group's final designation. I was assigned at the Island Fiesta. I was a bit upset that girls weren't allowed to bus out soiled dishes at the dining area. All girls had to do was to portion foods over the counter, and others, including me and Sally, my partner, had to just stand over the sandwich counter, where guests seldom check-up at. I mentioned earlier how industrious MMDC students are, and so, I wouldn't allow myself just counting minutes at the sandwich area. Waiters wouldn't allow me to bus out soiled dishes, but then I thought of things to get my bored self out of the lethargic counter area. I assisted guest find their tables, and help them on their way there. I maintained the cleanliness within the dining area. And, there were times, without the awareness of the selfish waiters, I secretly bussed out soiled dishes ;)
Surely the Superferry Training Program is essential. We were exposed to the onboard F&B and Housekeeping operation. It was a nice hands-on experience that would be very useful when we apply in any hospitality industry.
So, did I achieve my objectives? Yes! I was exposed to the on-board hotel operation, I had an unforgettable moment, and, yeah, I would say I have overcome my fears. Not completely, though :p I'd be needing more exposures to sea and ships. Hopefully HUGE ships someday :)

Saturday, August 15, 2009
OMG! I Almost Forgot!!
March this year when I enrolled at this training center called Mandaluyong Manpower Development Center to take a Hotel and Restaurant course. I thought I needed more trainings for me to get a good job in a hospitality industry. (Unfortunately, up to now, I still don't have any) Also, one of the reasons why I enrolled at this class was to refresh my memory on the skills I acquired from college.
Make friends was, of course, included in my expectations when I took this course. "What kind of people will I meet in this class"?, "Will they be nice"?, my thoughts before the training started. To my fears, I even prayed to the Big Guy to give good friends in this class.

One of the coolest things I liked the most in this training class is, I was able to (somehow)conquer my fears; sea and ships!
Part of my training is the on-vessel Food and Beverage and Housekeeping operation training. As the big date of the on-board training was approaching, I was feeling two things; nervousness and excitement. Nervousness because of my fears, and excitement because it would be my first-time to take an on-board trip, and my first-time to be in an island named Coron, our island destination.
I remember, I almost backed-out on the day of the said training as I saw the ship. It was not that huge, but as one of my weird fears, it doesn't matter how big or small a ship would be, they are all dreadful to me!

I could say that I slightly overcome my fear of ship in the 12 hours I was on there.

Later in July when we officially finished the summer course. I consider myself lucky to be part of this training class, not just because I met new friends, but also I learned a lot of new stuff that are helpful in my chosen field. There were things that was not taught in my college that I acquired here. Hopefully those skills would be helpful for me to have that elusive job that I've been wanting.

Road trippin with my two favorite allies
Fully loaded we got snacks and supplies
Its time to leave this town
Its time to steal away
Lets go get lost
Anywhere in the u.s.a.
Lets go get lost
Lets go get lost
Blue you sit so pretty
West of the one
Sparkles light with yellow icing
Just a mirror for the sun
Just a mirror for the sun
Just a mirror for the sun
These smiling eyes are just a mirror for
So much as come before those battles lost and won
This life is shining more forever in the sun
Now let us check our heads
And let us check the surf
Staying high and drys
More trouble than its worth
In the sun
Just a mirror for the sun
Just a mirror for the sun
Just a mirror for the sun
These smiling eyes are just a mirror for
In Big Sur we take some time to linger on
We three hunky dorys got our snakefinger on
Now let us drink the stars
Its time to steal away
Lets go get lost
Right here in the U.S.A.
- - - B I R T H D A Y G R E E T I N G S - - -
Belated Happy Birthday to Ira :)
I luv you, sis,
Take care always.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Mourning Nation
I don't know if you guys have heard about this, but my country's first-ever lady president recently passed away.
Mrs. Corazon C. Aquino, Tita Cory to many, is known for her love for the country. Named as the “democracy icon”, when she made a big part in restoring the freedom in my country from a dictatorship. She is known world-wide, still, because of what she fought for; democracy.
Saturday, the first day of this month, when she was declared dead after battling with the cancer of the colon. It was March last year when her family announced to the public about her condition. They found out about it when it was already on its fourth stage. I was one of my fellow Filipino who was saddened when I heard the news, not because cancer is deadly, but because I didn't think she doesn't deserve to acquire one.
Honestly, I wasn't not as aware as other youth are about her real contributions to the country. All I barely knew was she ran for the presidency in the middle of a mayhem, then she won. I was a year older then. I didn't ever wonder about my country having its freedom after having a dictator leader.
When she was reported being confined in a hospital more than a month ago, people from around the country non-stop offering prayers, and some, masses for her recovery. Even people from other countries, such as the Pope. He joined the Filipino people in praying for Tita Cory's speedy recovery. US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, sent Mrs. Aquino a get-well-soon note. I wondered why, It was just then when I started researching about her. It was a slap-in-the-face when I learned why Filipinos love her so much that they offer prayers and well-wishes. I was only then when I realized how my country achieved democracy. It was Tita Cory who made the important role in bringing back freedom.
Although I barely knew stuff about her, I never hated her. It always make me smile whenever I see her on TV. She really seems nice. I like the way she speaks. She speaks softly, and her smiles, it was simple, yet seemed sincere. I never seen her frown on TV.
As a tribute to her, I refrained from listenning to music, from the day of her death up to her interment. My radio in my room had been tuned-in to my favorite FM station, but when Tita Cory passed away, I always tuned-in to AM stations, hearing news about her and the funeral.
I would never ever forgive myself if I missed attending the public viewing for the former president's wake, I promised myself. So, on the third day of the Mrs. Aquino's wake, I made sure to make my way there, and paid my last respect.
Passed 9PM on Monday when my family decided togo to the Manila Cathedral, where Tita Cory's remains was laid. It was to avoid the flow of the people who also want to take their final view to Mrs. Aquino's body. But, as we arrived at the Cathedral, pile of people was endless! We haven't found the end of the queue yet, when Mum almost gave up. It took us approximately 10 minutes to finally reach the end of the line, and then secured our place in the queue and set the timer. The waiting in the line was tiring, not to mention the weather that night. The wind, rain, long-standing, but nothing could stop me, along with hundreds of people in queue. It was the least we could do after what she has done to our country. It took us four hours waiting in the slow-moving pile, but it was worthy. When we reached the casket, the back pain and all surprisingly vanished! That was the first and last time that I see her. I had never seen Tita Cory in person, that is why it was a pleasure to me to see her that night, eventhough she was already lying inside a rectangular box. Although, I never get a glimpse of her, living, the old woman that was lying could say how beautiful Tita Cory was.
Surely Mrs. Aquino will be missed forever. I just hope that what she fought for 23 years ago will not be ruined. I wish to have a leader like her, especially that presidential election here will be soon.
Hats off to the former president :(

I pray you'll be our eyes, and watch us where we go.
And help us to be wise in times when we don't know
Let this be our prayer, when we lose our way
Lead us to the place, guide us with your grace
To a place where we'll be safe
La luce che tu hai
I pray we'll find your light
nel cuore restera
and hold it in our hearts.
a ricordarci che
When stars go out each night,
eterna stella sei
The light you have
I pray we'll find your light
will be in the heart
and hold it in our hearts.
to remember us that
When stars go out each night,
you are eternal star
Nella mia preghiera
Let this be our prayer
quanta fede c'e
when shadows fill our day
How much faith there's
Let this be our prayer
in my prayer
when shadows fill our day
Lead us to a place, guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe
Sognamo un mondo senza piu violenza
un mondo di giustizia e di speranza
Ognuno dia la mano al suo vicino
Simbolo di pace, di fraternita
We dream a world without violence
a world of justice and faith.
Everyone gives the hand to his neighbours
Symbol of peace, of fraternity
La forza che ci da
We ask that life be kind
e il desiderio che
and watch us from above
ognuno trovi amor
We hope each soul will find
intorno e dentro se
another soul to love
The force his gives us
We ask that life be kind
is wish that
and watch us from above
everyone finds love
We hope each soul will find
around and inside
another soul to love
Let this be our prayer
Let this be our prayer, just like every child
Need to find a place, guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe
Need to find a place, guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe
E la fede che
hai acceso in noi,
sento che ci salvera
It's the faith
you light in us
I feel it will save us
- - - A Silver Anniversarry - - -
I don't know if this is worth mentiong, but I'll say it anyway. I turned a year older on Thursday. Same thing as ever. A dinner with my family. When I say "same thing as ever", it means all things happened about celebrating my birthday happened. It's still Mum's expenses up to now. OMG! LOL! I can't believe it. I'm on my 25th year, but still, I have never ever spent my special day with my own expenses. I luv Mum, LOL :) But, still, I badly need a job, for me to, not just throw out a nice partym but also to give back Mum on every cents she spent for my birthdays :)
Birthday wishes, anyone? Hehe :)
I luv you, guys. Hope you're all doing good :)
Hugs :)
Friday, June 12, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
- - - R H E A A R C I L L A and R H E A S A N T O S - - -
I used to be ashamed of my name. A four-letter lame name. Which also happens to be a brand of an isopropyl rubbing alcohol. Whenever somebody ask my name, I would just give them my last name. Arcilla sounds better than that germ-killing solution brand.
As a kid, I used to wonder why my good parents gave me that poor name, when my brother has a good one; Euvene Ray. Three names combined, from Papa's name and his father and Mum's father's. I used to envy his name when we were kids. My parents should have given me two names, as well. They could have combined the names of my Grannies. My name should have been a good one. Something that's pleasant to the ears.
When I was growing up, I asked Mum as to how they named me. She made me laugh as she revealed that I was named after that rubbing alcohol. "After I gave birth to you, it was RHEA RUBBING ALCOHOL my disenfectant". When she was asked by her nurse what to name to her first baby girl, she looked at the table beside her where RHEA was sitting. It made me laugh. I knew she was kiding, but who knows?! Maybe it's true.
When I my eyes opened to the cyber world, I had to use another name that would sound good, and that would make me feel sexy :). Andrea Erika, from "Andy", my first crush in College, and to still have a touch of my sucky name, "Rea". "Erika" is named after my favourite Brazilian volleybelle, Erika Coimbra.
I met a lot of cool people online then, and they call me by my 'screen name', Andrea. And, it felt good being called that way. "Hi, Andrea". "Kamusta, Andrea?" That sounded awesome to me.
It was early 2000, around 2002-2003, when I first heard of a broadcast journalist named RHEA SANTOS. "She's a nice newswoman, and pretty as well, but her name doesn't fit her", my first impression. It didn't take too long when she became so popular in the news world. It was just then when I became proud of my name.
The people I met online continued to grow. I still use Andrea as my online nick, but I would immediately explain to them, especially to the coolest ones, that it's not my real name, but RHEA. I realized that it felt better to be called by my real name than Andrea. But still Andrea sounds sexy :)
Before, when I would say that my name is Rhea, they would go, "Rhea? As in RHEA RUBBING ALCOHOL?" and I would go, "Yeah, rubbing alcohol, and I kill germs, so I will kill you!". But now, people would be, "Rhea? Rhea what, Rhea Santos?", and it feels good :) Then I would kiddingly say, "no, I'm not Rhea Santos, I just look like her, but I'm not her. I'm glad I share name with an outstanding mediaman. Intelligent and pretty.
Why did it have Miss Rhea Santos to get in the way for me to appreciate my name? Anyway, since that realization, I made Miss Rhea as one of my favourite TV personality, not because I owe her the conception, but because she deserves it.
I would like to dedicate this special entry to my idol, Miss Rhea Santos, as she celebrates her 30th birthday. To Miss Rhea, I wish her all the best in the world. More success in life. And, I wish to meet her in person :) Happy Birthday :)

Monday, April 20, 2009
It Was A 'Friendly' Date
I did not get enough sleep the night before Saturday. Excitement was the main reason. On the big day, luckily, I was not late as opposed to what I used to be when we were still dating.
While waiting, I was figuring out where he would take me. He said it is a surprise. Few minutes later, an SUV was honking, and then rolled its window. OMG! It was him!
My heart was beating crazily as I hopped in his car. I could not believe how successful he is. The car is his brother’s, he told me, but still he is a successful guy. He noticed the smell of my hair as I buckled up, “You’re still using the same hair conditioner” And, I was giggling deep inside. We were so quiet the first few minutes. I don’t know to him, but me, I was so nervous. I didn’t know what to ask him. The questions I gathered the night before Saturday vanished.
“So, where we’re going”, I started. He said he’s taking me to a nice, far, place. I knew there was nothing to worry, I still trust him. Then we talked about a lot of stuff, as he drives, but then most often we were so quiet. Maybe we were adjusting ourselves. It two years ago the last time we went out. After two hours, we finally arrived at the ‘far’ place. OMG! This is the same city where he first proposed his feelings to me, will he do it again this time?
We dined-in at an American-setting restaurant. Again, there was a lot to talked about while we were eating, but not about us. After having our dinner, we walked to a nice park, with nice temperature, a bit cold. I thought it was a nice place for him to tell me about what he feels, but still, he didn’t say anything about it. He didn’t even tell me about dating new girl, nor asked me if I was dating. Until it was getting late, then we went back to his car, and drive back home. It was just a ‘friendly’ date, I told myself, as we were getting in the car.
On the road, he kept on noticing my figure. I look slimmer than before, he insisted, but I wouldn’t believe him. He even asked me why I lose weight. Deep inside I was, like, “it’s because I’m missing you”. I liked it when he passed his fingers through my hair, touched my shoulder to check if I feel cold or sleepy. Shit! I wish those touches mean something. I really miss you! :(
He dropped me home, and the ‘date’ was over. And, no talking about the stuff I wanted to talk about happened. I t was totally a friendly date, I realized. It was fine with me, at least I was able to spent some hours with him. I wish, though, he would still invite me again next time. And, if that happens, I swear, I will be the one to open the issue between the two of us. I really want you back! :(
I'll do whatever it takes
To turn this around
I know what's at stake
I know I've let you down
And if you give me a chance
and believe that I can change
I'll keep us together whatever it takes
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Monthly Forecast

My monthly Chinese calendar forecast for this month says that this Lunar March (April 4-May 4) is a fortunate month for me. Such, all my previous problems are gone with the wind all of a sudden. Money matters also says good. But what made me more elated is my love forecast for this month. It says I'll have many chances to get acquainted with my dream lover.
To tell you guys, I'm a bit cynical about Chinese Horoscope. "It only applies to Chinese", I thought. But what if I try to believe in them, even just once?
Last night, I received an SMS from someone whom I did not expect to send me an SMS. I don't think you would guess him, either :p Let's just say that his SMS brought a HUGE smile on my face as I read his message. So huge that mum and my brother gave me a stranged look and wondered who sent me the message. Okay, Im not gonna take this too long. It was my dear ex boyfriend. Yeah, the same guy I've been babbling about the past years. My one and only dear ex. So, what was in the SMS that caused the big smile? He is inviting me out!! He even used the term, "date".
I was so excited, I couldn't sleep last night. I thought of the things this guy might ask me , thinking of how I would answer them, I was thinking of what I should ask him, how would I behave, stuff like that. But, of course, at the same time I was nervous. Maybe the reason of inviting me out is to let me know that he is engaged, and he'd introduced to me his future wife, that he's inviting me to their wedding. Or, maybe he's leaving to work to another country. Maybe he meant by date is a 'friendly date'. Please, God, no :(
Saturday will be the day. Wish me luck, guys. Hope nothing would get in the way. Help me pray for a beautiful weather on that day. Who knows, this might be what my monthly forecast is saying :) Btw, he's monthly forecast for April also says his Romantic Star appears and shines bright this month.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
This Blog Is Not Abandoned

(as yet. Hehe)
Yup, I'm still here. Wow, four months in silence! Man, beat that! Hehe. Same here, I thought I was dead, too. I was not moving. Or, I'll just say that I was too lazy to update you with my lifeless life. Nothing much interesting about the past months, but then there were things that I should have let you know; (but still...lifeless)
Two months ago, I undergone a dental treatment called, Root Canal Treatment. At first, it sounded horrible to me, since I have a dental fear. Good thing, my dentist knows a very good endodontist. And, this guy helped me overcome my fear. I used to dread dentists, but now I can go to them ALONE! And, with excitement :) However, though, I'm feeling something weird with my treated tooth. Part of me was thinking maybe the treatment failed, but when I went back to my endodontist, he said that there's nothing to worry. I hope so, too. I hope I'm just overreacting, since it is my first time to have such treatment. But, I'm currently seeking another dentist's opinion, so fingers' crossed.
About a month ago, a college friend got married. Malou, one of my nicest college friends exchanged vows with her good man, Gregg. The ceremony made me weep. As I watched my good friend walk down the aisle, I was imagining myself doing the same while the man I've ever dreamed marrying to waiting on the other end. Too bad, in reality, this man is the same one I lost years ago. I promised myself to move on, but I still miss him. Anyway, tying the knot was not the only event that day. Malou gave birth five or six months ago, so they had the baby's christening on that same day, just right after the wedding ceremony. Another thing I envied of her. During my Grade School, every time I answer on my classmates' 'autograph book', there was always this question, "at what age you imagine yourself giving birth", and I always put "24" on the line. It didn't change up to High School. Giving birth at 24 is cool, so my kid would have the same birth year sign that I belong to, I thought. Too bad, I don't think I could pursue that. I'm almost 25, and single.
So, what I've been up to? This will shock you, but I still don't have a job yet! I know! I've been a year bum, and technically not a 'fresh graduated' anymore. The past few months, I thought, maybe what I need is an intensive training. Maybe the reason why I always get rejected is my lackness of experience and not possessing much training certificates. So, I enrolled for a training in hotel and restaurant services. I started my training last April 1, and will end in 3 months. So far, I'm enjoying it. My classmates are all good and hopefuls as I am. So, wish me luck. Hope the skills and certificates I'd gain from this training would help me land a nice hospitality job.
Speaking of hospitality jobs, as I started my training, a friend left to work in a cruise ship. Furdie, whom I met more than a year ago in the hotel where I had my internship, is now applying what he acquired from his school to the people at the luxurious Costa Crociere bound to Italy. Truly as Hotel and Restaurant Management, or other Hospitality course graduate, working in a luxury ship is a dream came true. Hope I'll have mine to come to life, too :( Anyway, to Furdie, you take care over there, and good luck ;)
I can't believe that I'm still useless to the society for a year now. But then, I'm not losing hope. I almost did, but thanks to the big Guy upstairs, he didn't let me to. Today, as we celebrated the resurrection of Christ, it brings more hope to me. A new life, a new hope, as they say. Happy Easter to the Christians :)
Hope you guys are all doing fine are all doing fine. Until the next FOUR months! Hehe :p
P.S. Dessy, I still haven't received your email confirmation on allowing me to view your blog. LOL! :p