I don't know if you guys have heard about this, but my country's first-ever lady president recently passed away.
Mrs. Corazon C. Aquino, Tita Cory to many, is known for her love for the country. Named as the “democracy icon”, when she made a big part in restoring the freedom in my country from a dictatorship. She is known world-wide, still, because of what she fought for; democracy.
Saturday, the first day of this month, when she was declared dead after battling with the cancer of the colon. It was March last year when her family announced to the public about her condition. They found out about it when it was already on its fourth stage. I was one of my fellow Filipino who was saddened when I heard the news, not because cancer is deadly, but because I didn't think she doesn't deserve to acquire one.
Honestly, I wasn't not as aware as other youth are about her real contributions to the country. All I barely knew was she ran for the presidency in the middle of a mayhem, then she won. I was a year older then. I didn't ever wonder about my country having its freedom after having a dictator leader.
When she was reported being confined in a hospital more than a month ago, people from around the country non-stop offering prayers, and some, masses for her recovery. Even people from other countries, such as the Pope. He joined the Filipino people in praying for Tita Cory's speedy recovery. US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, sent Mrs. Aquino a get-well-soon note. I wondered why, It was just then when I started researching about her. It was a slap-in-the-face when I learned why Filipinos love her so much that they offer prayers and well-wishes. I was only then when I realized how my country achieved democracy. It was Tita Cory who made the important role in bringing back freedom.
Although I barely knew stuff about her, I never hated her. It always make me smile whenever I see her on TV. She really seems nice. I like the way she speaks. She speaks softly, and her smiles, it was simple, yet seemed sincere. I never seen her frown on TV.
As a tribute to her, I refrained from listenning to music, from the day of her death up to her interment. My radio in my room had been tuned-in to my favorite FM station, but when Tita Cory passed away, I always tuned-in to AM stations, hearing news about her and the funeral.
I would never ever forgive myself if I missed attending the public viewing for the former president's wake, I promised myself. So, on the third day of the Mrs. Aquino's wake, I made sure to make my way there, and paid my last respect.
Passed 9PM on Monday when my family decided togo to the Manila Cathedral, where Tita Cory's remains was laid. It was to avoid the flow of the people who also want to take their final view to Mrs. Aquino's body. But, as we arrived at the Cathedral, pile of people was endless! We haven't found the end of the queue yet, when Mum almost gave up. It took us approximately 10 minutes to finally reach the end of the line, and then secured our place in the queue and set the timer. The waiting in the line was tiring, not to mention the weather that night. The wind, rain, long-standing, but nothing could stop me, along with hundreds of people in queue. It was the least we could do after what she has done to our country. It took us four hours waiting in the slow-moving pile, but it was worthy. When we reached the casket, the back pain and all surprisingly vanished! That was the first and last time that I see her. I had never seen Tita Cory in person, that is why it was a pleasure to me to see her that night, eventhough she was already lying inside a rectangular box. Although, I never get a glimpse of her, living, the old woman that was lying could say how beautiful Tita Cory was.
Surely Mrs. Aquino will be missed forever. I just hope that what she fought for 23 years ago will not be ruined. I wish to have a leader like her, especially that presidential election here will be soon.
Hats off to the former president :(

I pray you'll be our eyes, and watch us where we go.
And help us to be wise in times when we don't know
Let this be our prayer, when we lose our way
Lead us to the place, guide us with your grace
To a place where we'll be safe
La luce che tu hai
I pray we'll find your light
nel cuore restera
and hold it in our hearts.
a ricordarci che
When stars go out each night,
eterna stella sei
The light you have
I pray we'll find your light
will be in the heart
and hold it in our hearts.
to remember us that
When stars go out each night,
you are eternal star
Nella mia preghiera
Let this be our prayer
quanta fede c'e
when shadows fill our day
How much faith there's
Let this be our prayer
in my prayer
when shadows fill our day
Lead us to a place, guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe
Sognamo un mondo senza piu violenza
un mondo di giustizia e di speranza
Ognuno dia la mano al suo vicino
Simbolo di pace, di fraternita
We dream a world without violence
a world of justice and faith.
Everyone gives the hand to his neighbours
Symbol of peace, of fraternity
La forza che ci da
We ask that life be kind
e il desiderio che
and watch us from above
ognuno trovi amor
We hope each soul will find
intorno e dentro se
another soul to love
The force his gives us
We ask that life be kind
is wish that
and watch us from above
everyone finds love
We hope each soul will find
around and inside
another soul to love
Let this be our prayer
Let this be our prayer, just like every child
Need to find a place, guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe
Need to find a place, guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe
E la fede che
hai acceso in noi,
sento che ci salvera
It's the faith
you light in us
I feel it will save us
- - - A Silver Anniversarry - - -
I don't know if this is worth mentiong, but I'll say it anyway. I turned a year older on Thursday. Same thing as ever. A dinner with my family. When I say "same thing as ever", it means all things happened about celebrating my birthday happened. It's still Mum's expenses up to now. OMG! LOL! I can't believe it. I'm on my 25th year, but still, I have never ever spent my special day with my own expenses. I luv Mum, LOL :) But, still, I badly need a job, for me to, not just throw out a nice partym but also to give back Mum on every cents she spent for my birthdays :)
Birthday wishes, anyone? Hehe :)
I luv you, guys. Hope you're all doing good :)
Hugs :)
In case you didn't get the SMS I sent you, I'll say it again: Happy Birthday Rhea :)
Love you too, Rhea..
Write again soon.
Yeah, I got it, Aaron. Thnx for always remembering.
I would like to thank Ira as well. I just got your letter this morning. The letter alone made my day, then there is this 'name' thing? Wow, I liked it, sis. Thnx so much. I'm happy to have sumthing from you and Mike :)
Thnx guys :)
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