(as yet. Hehe)
Yup, I'm still here. Wow, four months in silence! Man, beat that! Hehe. Same here, I thought I was dead, too. I was not moving. Or, I'll just say that I was too lazy to update you with my lifeless life. Nothing much interesting about the past months, but then there were things that I should have let you know; (but still...lifeless)
Two months ago, I undergone a dental treatment called, Root Canal Treatment. At first, it sounded horrible to me, since I have a dental fear. Good thing, my dentist knows a very good endodontist. And, this guy helped me overcome my fear. I used to dread dentists, but now I can go to them ALONE! And, with excitement :) However, though, I'm feeling something weird with my treated tooth. Part of me was thinking maybe the treatment failed, but when I went back to my endodontist, he said that there's nothing to worry. I hope so, too. I hope I'm just overreacting, since it is my first time to have such treatment. But, I'm currently seeking another dentist's opinion, so fingers' crossed.
About a month ago, a college friend got married. Malou, one of my nicest college friends exchanged vows with her good man, Gregg. The ceremony made me weep. As I watched my good friend walk down the aisle, I was imagining myself doing the same while the man I've ever dreamed marrying to waiting on the other end. Too bad, in reality, this man is the same one I lost years ago. I promised myself to move on, but I still miss him. Anyway, tying the knot was not the only event that day. Malou gave birth five or six months ago, so they had the baby's christening on that same day, just right after the wedding ceremony. Another thing I envied of her. During my Grade School, every time I answer on my classmates' 'autograph book', there was always this question, "at what age you imagine yourself giving birth", and I always put "24" on the line. It didn't change up to High School. Giving birth at 24 is cool, so my kid would have the same birth year sign that I belong to, I thought. Too bad, I don't think I could pursue that. I'm almost 25, and single.
So, what I've been up to? This will shock you, but I still don't have a job yet! I know! I've been a year bum, and technically not a 'fresh graduated' anymore. The past few months, I thought, maybe what I need is an intensive training. Maybe the reason why I always get rejected is my lackness of experience and not possessing much training certificates. So, I enrolled for a training in hotel and restaurant services. I started my training last April 1, and will end in 3 months. So far, I'm enjoying it. My classmates are all good and hopefuls as I am. So, wish me luck. Hope the skills and certificates I'd gain from this training would help me land a nice hospitality job.
Speaking of hospitality jobs, as I started my training, a friend left to work in a cruise ship. Furdie, whom I met more than a year ago in the hotel where I had my internship, is now applying what he acquired from his school to the people at the luxurious Costa Crociere bound to Italy. Truly as Hotel and Restaurant Management, or other Hospitality course graduate, working in a luxury ship is a dream came true. Hope I'll have mine to come to life, too :( Anyway, to Furdie, you take care over there, and good luck ;)
I can't believe that I'm still useless to the society for a year now. But then, I'm not losing hope. I almost did, but thanks to the big Guy upstairs, he didn't let me to. Today, as we celebrated the resurrection of Christ, it brings more hope to me. A new life, a new hope, as they say. Happy Easter to the Christians :)
Hope you guys are all doing fine are all doing fine. Until the next FOUR months! Hehe :p
P.S. Dessy, I still haven't received your email confirmation on allowing me to view your blog. LOL! :p
Don't leave us alone for another four months, Rhea :(
hehe.. but thanks for updating. I've been waiting!
Welcome back! :)
Oh, and sorry, it was my bad. I sent it to hotmail.com, insteald of gmail.com. I didn't realize it was gmail, SORRY SISTA! :)
But now you are invited!!! :)
Good luck with your training, Rhea. And I hope your tooth has stopped hurting by now.
Aww...thanks guys for still following my blog. There's a good news I would want to share with you, and I'll post it later. This is exciting!:)
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